Find a Provider or Pharmacy
Make it your plan, with the doctors and pharmacies you can depend on.

Mass Advantage’s network of providers and participating pharmacies give you convenience and savings. With so much choice, you’ll find a provider to best meet your unique health needs.
Find a Provider
Use the search tools below to find providers within our network, including those in our extended network in Arizona and Florida.

To request a hard copy of our provider directory, submit via our online request form or call Member Services at
(844) 918-0114 (HMO members) or
(844) 915-0234 (PPO members)
(TTY: 711).
Find a Pharmacy
Most local pharmacies accept Mass Advantage, including the major chains like CVS and Walgreens, as well as smaller independent pharmacies. Use the tools below to find a network pharmacy near you.
Find a Dental Provider
Dominion makes it easy to find the right dentist, right nearby.
Find a Routine Vision Provider
To find an ophthalmologist or medical vision specialist, please use the standard provider directory.
Find a Hearing Provider
A wide choice of NationsBenefits Hearing providers--exceptional hearing care with direct support focused on each member's unique needs.